Super Mario RPG Remake Screenshots Showcase Combat, Locations, Minigames, and More

Super Mario RPG Remake

Though not many would have expected that Super Mario RPG would ever be getting a remake, much less one that’s merely a few months away, one is indeed on the horizon. Its reveal trailer offered glimpses at what’s clearly going to be a faithful recreation of the SNES with gorgeous, updated visuals, and Nintendo has now also revealed a new batch of screenshots, offering another look at the upcoming RPG.

The screenshots, uploaded to the official Nintendo Japan website, showcase a range of gameplay activities that players will be indulging in. Chief among them is combat, of course, while outside of combat, players will also be able to dive into a variety of minigames, many of which are also shown- from shooting through the air in a minecart to riding on Yoshi’s back to jumping across barrels floating in a river. Meanwhile, a variety of locations and characters are also shown. Check out the screenshots in the gallery below.

Super Mario RPG Remake is set to launch for the Nintendo Switch on Nintendo 17. Though the original game’s co-director Chihiro Fujioka isn’t involved with the remake, original composer Yoko Shimomura will be serving on the project in the same capacity.

Super Mario RPG Remake Screenshots Showcase Combat, Locations, Minigames, and More
Source: News Beginning

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