Star Citizen Gameplay Video Showcases Underground “Playgrounds”

Star Citizen

The case of Star Citizen will never not be a fascinating one, given how long the game has been in development, the ridiculous amounts of money it has raised in crowdfunding, how ludicrously ambitious the project sounds on paper, and how, in spite of all of that, it never seems to get any closer to release than it was when it was first announced.

Even so, Cloud Imperium Games has continued to show off bits and pieces of the game here and there, and recently showed off another extended look at the massive space simulator. A new behind-the-scenes development video shows in-development footage of the game’s previously announced underground sections, which, according to the developers, will entail all manner of gameplay activities and mechanics. As is clear from the footage, there’s a lot of work still to be done on these sections, but the video does offer solid glimpses of how they’re shaping up. Check it out below.

In October last year, it was revealed that Star Citizen has sold 1.7 million units so far.

Star Citizen Gameplay Video Showcases Underground “Playgrounds”
Source: News Beginning

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