New Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak videos show off Garangolm fight, Citadel area

The Monster Hunter YouTube channel released two new videos that give viewers glimpses of the upcoming Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter Rise. One video shows off the new Citadel area that players will be able to explore as part of the expansion. The other video shows gameplay footage of hunters fighting against the Garangolm boss fight in the Citadel.

The Citadel is a large new area where players will be able to explore and fight against monsters. The main focal point of the area will be a deserted castle, which has become overrun with nature. There will be secrets to be discovered within the rundown castle. The full Citadel area is filled with multiple biomes, including ice fields and foggy swamps.

The Garangolm is a brand new monster that is coming to Sunbreak. It’s a large creature with an angry face that can charge at hunters on all four of its limbs. But it can use its front two limbs as arms to swipe at hunters and grab them. The Garangolm has a rough layer of skin on its back, but parts of its body, like its belly, don’t have the same layer of skin. When the Garangolm gets enraged, it will cover its arms with magma and moss, giving the monster Water and Fire Elemental damage.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion is set to release on June 30. The main game is available to purchase on the Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows.

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