Lost Ark is receiving a new class for players to try out, known as the Glaiver, and we now have an official release date for this new character. This character will be in the fifth Martial Artist class, alongside the Wardancer, Soulfist, Striker, and Scrapper. The Glaiver will “slice and dice her way through the battlefield, weaving together attacks with her spear in glaive.”
This news was released on Lost Ark’s official Twitter account, with a GIF showing an image of the Glaiver’s weapon. This class will be released next week on April 21 as a part of the weekly update, while an update will be rolled out this week to set the groundwork for the class’ new release.
Another new class in Lost Ark, the Destroyer, is set to release sometime in May. The Destroyer is a Warrior class, making him the fourth Warrior character alongside the Berserker, Paladin, and Gunlancer. There’s no official release date yet for the Destroyer, nor an indication of when in May the character will release.
It’s also unknown if this update will include the other promised content which was set to release in April, namely the new continent South Vern and a Powerpass to help players level up their alternate characters.