Baldur’s Gate 3 Will Support Cross-Platform Progression and Splitscreen Co-op

baldur's gate 3

Reception to Sony’s recent State of Play presentation has been somewhat mixed, but there’s no denying that it did have at least a couple of major reveals that turned more than a few heads. One of those was the announcement that Baldur’s Gate 3 will also be available day and date for PS5 when it launches in August, and hot on the heels of that announcement, developer Larian Studios has revealed more new details.

Upon launch, Baldur’s Gate 3 will feature support for cross-platform progression across PS5, PC, Mac, and GeForce Now, so you’ll be able to jump between platforms on a single save without losing any of your progress. Meanwhile, splitscreen co-op has also been confirmed.

Of course, given Larian Studios’ track record with past games, these details don’t come as too much of a surprise.

Baldur’s Gate 3 launches on August 31 for PS5, PC, and Mac. Its Collector’s and Deluxe Editions have also been revealed.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Will Support Cross-Platform Progression and Splitscreen Co-op
Source: News Beginning

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