Kingdom Hearts Tamagotchis are releasing in Japan later this year

To continue the year-long celebration of Kingdom Hearts Disney and Square Enix are collaborating with Bandai to make…Tamagotchis(?).

There will be two different modes to choose from, light mode and dark mode with the color seemingly being the only difference. Light mode is primarily white and blue while the dark mode is black and yellow.

Based on the photos released, it seems that dark mode includes Sora while light has Kairi. With having Sora you can feed him papou fruit or sea salt ice cream as well as battle enemies notable from the series including heartless, nobodies, and unversed. Many characters known throughout the series can appear based on how Sora and Kairi are fed and participate in the mini-games. There are also secret characters that are included and while we only see their silhouettes, it looks like Roxas, Mickey, and Master Xehanort will be in the Tamagotchis too.

The 20th anniversary Kingdom Hearts Tamagotchis will be released exclusively in Japan, but if you live outside of the country you can pre-order the light and dark mode through Aitai Kuji, a Japanese retailer that helps import Japanese products to other countries. Each Tamagotchi sells on the site for 3,100 yen (~$25) and will release in October later this year.

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