Hi-Fi Rush Guide: All Vlog Collectibles And Their Locations

hi-fi rush

Vandelay blogs in Hi-Fi Rush offer some great insight into the in-game characters. Collecting all of them isn’t an easy task, as there are 77 vlogs spread throughout the game. If you’re a fan of the lore, then this guide should definitely come in handy. Moreover, collecting all of them unlocks the ‘I have read ALL of these things’ achievement, so without further ado, let’s begin.

Track 1: A Fresh Start

  • Vlog #1 – To all Employees – After the QA building cutscene in Track 1, you’ll find the tablet near the second Life Gauge piece.
  • Vlog #2 – Battery Pack Production – After you’ve gone up the lift, you can find the tablet in the room with a drop down vent sitting on a console.
  • Vlog #3 – Old-gen EOL Reminder – After obtaining the special attack and beating the robots, the door to the next area opens up. You can locate the vlog towards the farthest left corner just before you ascend the shipping crates to the right.
  • Vlog #4 – RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Get on this – Go to the left before going to the right after fighting the first big enemy.
  • Vlog #5 – O5-KAR Unit Musings – After defeating the large robot and its minions, you’ll hear a comment about the exit. You can find the log computer towards the right just before entering the door marked as QA Check.

Track 2: Power up

  • Vlog #6 – Unsent Complaint – During the beginning of the chapter, head left towards the big door. It’s near the vending machine where two robots will be talking about it on the bench.
  • Vlog #7 – HR Auto-Surveillance Recording – After making it to the large open room, follow the white catwalk towards the right. Enter the first room you encounter and the computer with the vlog will be towards the left, just near the massive glass window.
  • Vlog #8 – HR Claim #324839028555180850195 – After the battle with the orange robot, head up the catwalk. But, instead of going right, jump off the catwalk onto the moving shipping containers. Keep going until you see the computer with the vlog.
  • Vlog #9 – Tram Line Issues – After the jump pads and the big fight, you’ll see an Alert sign on your way out. The exit is to the right and the vlog is towards the left.
  • Vlog #10 – Introducing the Arrow – Use Peppermint to shoot the button and use the platform to make your way to the walkway. Keep following the walkway, until you come across some boxes to the right with the vlog lying on them.
  • Vlog #11 – Behind the Showmanship: Sit down with Rekka – At the end of the level go to the area with the production wing’s foyer (containing the receptionist and the reception). The vlog will be on the benches towards the right, close to a bunch of health pick-ups.

Track 3: Trial By (Volcanic Fire)

  • Vlog #12 – R&D Service Log: Part 1 – After the first fight, head up the ramp and jump over the fence to your right.
  • Vlog #13 – R&D Service Log: Part 2 – After defeating the robots in the arena and using the rail transit system, descend to a lower level. The vlog will be on a table to the left of the worker’s area.
  • Vlog #14 – R&D Service Log: Part 3 – After Peppermint drops the boulder in the lava, and you battle the robots, follow the path upwards, to spot the vlog on the right. It’ll be just before you jump on the moving platforms.
  • Vlog #15 – R&D Service Log: Part 4 – After finding Log 3, jump over two platforms to locate part 4 just beside the dead robot. It’s just before you jump onto another rail transit system.
  • Vlog #16 – Zanzo’s Order Request – After the transit rail system, instead of going to the R&D Department, head left. The vlog is located near the vending machine, on a bench.
  • Vlog #17 – LU-C1LLE Self-Therapy Journal – inside the R&D Department on a desk behind the receptionist.
  • Vlog #18 – Barrier Technology Test Results – After reaching Lab 44 where the robot is getting shot at, head to the computer containing the vlog to the left of the stairs.
  • Vlog #19 – Punch-to-face Test Results – Interact with another computer on the other side to get the vlog.
  • Vlog #20 – Offensive Capabilities Test – In front of the second testing room above the reception. Use the servers to get to the spot.
  • Vlog #21 – Barrier Umbrella Test – Enter the third test room. The log is on the computer to the left of the robot scientist.
  • Vlog #22 – Test Lab Assistance Email – After the third test room, before using another rail transit system, you can find the vlog on the main path.

Track 4: Less Budget, More Problems

  • Vlog #23 – Staffing Allocation Complaint – Enter the lab after smashing the wall with Macaron. You’ll find the vlog towards the left.
  • Vlog #24 – Auto-Saved Private Message – After Mac comes across the airwaves, turn around and climb up the ledges behind you to find the vlog on the top.
  • Vlog #25 – Disgruntled Decaf Revenge – While you’re on the circular platform, macaron will punch a rock with green paint. Head right to jump over the lava and onto the rock. Keep following the path to the next section to find the Vlog on a create at the back.
  • Vlog #26 – Development Mindfulness Checklist – Go past the AR room and the cavern to head back into the lab. You’ll find the vlog on a table on a table towards the left.

Track 5: Breaking Out

  • Vlog #27 – Defect Captured Email – At the beginning of the level, return to your cell and you’ll find the vlog on a computer towards the right.
  • Vlog #28 – Annoyed by Korsica FWD – On one of the back computers in the main area. It’s in the room where you talked to a technician robot.
  • Vlog #29 – Poem by SCR-UB – It’s in the entrance area to security node 2. Go through the door after descending from the elevator to find the vog in a room towards the left.
  • Vlog #30 – Vandelay Game Studios – Becomes available after you’ve completed the game. Keep following the path after smashing the door to node 1 and you’ll find it in front of you.
  • Vlog #31 – FWD: Data Node Advice – In a tab up the first ramp as you walk towards route 3.
  • Vlog #32 – Korsica Complaints – Don’t take the lift after exiting node 3. Head left and hop over the platforms. Head towards the left platform and use it to reach the platform above where the vlog is located.
  • Vlog #33 – Musings About Data Node – In the central area on a catwalk where TEC-78 is working on the large node.
  • Vlog #34 – Regarding Wing 1 Layout Complaints – On one of the computers towards the left of node 1.

Track 6: L.I.F.T. Me Up

  • Vlog #35 – Lift Construction Heads-up – As you move along the sloped corridor, you’ll find it towards your left.

Track 7: The Climb

  • Vlog #36 – Platform Construction Note – At the beginning of the level right next to the forklift truck.
  • Vlog #37 – Too Many Roms – At the end of the second 2D section, go left and jump out on the platform. Follow the path and you’ll eventually spot the Vlog lying on the floor.
  • Vlog #38 – Suspicious Doors – Go to the next room after the fight in the second 2D scene. Take the stairs upstairs, but instead of entering the door next to the shop, head up the stairs to the right, where you’ll find the vlog net to the SPECTRA door towards the top.
  • Vlog #39 – Data Node Dissatisfaction Email – Use Macaron to break the door after the first fight in the laser room. The vlog will be towards the right side of the room.
  • Vlog #40 – Pmidge Press Announcement – Only available after you’ve completed the game. In the room that you just broke into, go up and use your partner’s ability to extinguish the flames. Now enter the previously flame-blocked door to see the vlog lying towards the left.
  • Vlog #41 – Depressed Buttons – After your path is blocked by lasers, head into the nearby room where you’ll have to smash the door. The blog will be on the right.
  • Vlog #42 – Food Delivery Warning – At Korsica’s office, outside of the main doors.

Track 8: A History Lesson

  • Vlog #43 – Armstrong Festival Marketing – At the beginning of the level, on the ledge of the ticketing booth.
  • Vlog #44 – Project Armstrong Raffle Results – Before heading through the fire-blocked doorway. In the second part of the opening area.
  • Vlog #45 – Charging – Down below after putting out the fire.
  • Vlog #46 – Taking a Break in the Park – Look back before going through the broken wall containing yellow tapes.
  • Vlog #47 – GNR-020 Display – First robot statue in the museum, towards the left.
  • Vlog #48 – BES-102 Display – Second robot statue towards the left of the museum.
  • Vlog #49 – BL-1Z5 Display – Third robot statue towards the left of the museum.
  • Vlog #50 – SBR-001 Display – First robot statue towards the right of the museum.
  • Vlog #51 – ES-101 Display – Second robot statue towards the right of the museum.
  • Vlog #52 – BA-B00 Display – Third robot statue towards the right of the museum.
  • Vlog #53 – Reminder to Reception – On the front desk, in the lobby of the museum.
  • Vlog #54 – BRUT-1L Display – After climbing up the stairs from the lobby, look for the first statue on the left.
  • Vlog #55 – Our Community Helper: BA-B00 – After climbing up the stairs from the lobby, look for the second statue on the left.
  • Vlog #56 – SEN-C0 Display – When you see a vending machine further in, read it’s description for the vlog.
  • Vlog #57 – Disappointed O5-CAR – After exiting the vent and climbing up pipes, the vog can be seen on the shelves below.
  • Vlog #58 – Water Generator Complaint – After doing the times run over the electrified water and turning off the electricity, you can find the vlog next to the generator.
  • Vlog #59 – Display Complaints – You’ll come back into the museum near the ceiling after using Korsica to put out the doorway fire. The vlog will be located behind the boxes on the right.
  • Vlog #60 – KEM-0N0 Display – The vlog is towards the left of the room that you’re locked into by Mimosa.
  • Vlog #61 – SBR Development Display – In the same room as the last collectible, right next to it.
  • Vlog #62 – Door Musings from SCR-UB – After you’re trapped into another room by Mimosa, you’ll have to travel through some areas until you come across a machine-timed section of platforming. As you reach the top, turn around and go to the other side of the upstairs area. The vlog will be towards the right.

Track 9: Take the Stage

  • Vlog #63 – Armstrong Festival briefing Notes – After jumping up and making your way across the platform, the vlog will be on the right as you drop downwards.
  • Vlog #64 – Mimos’ Rider – At the end of the corridor near the location where the shop appears, back up slightly towards the right.

Track 10: A Masterplan

  • Vlog #65 – Cafeteria Menu – After the battle with the chef, it’s on a table in the far corner, close to the windows that overlook the campus.
  • Vlog #66 – Vandelay Grammar Check – After Roquefort calls the lockdown in the hexagonal room, the vlog will be on the other side of the steps.
  • Vlog #67 – Atrium Statue Mail – As you reach the atrium consisting of the gigantic Kale statue, look for it on the left bench.
  • Vlog #68 – Budget Challenge Email – After using the rail transit system for the first time, the next door you pick will be an office. As you approach the exit, the vlog will be on the table towards the right.
  • Vlog #69 – Hoodie Preorder Mail – After getting to the last office, you should notice another orange colored office with a C4 on the wall. The Vlog will be on a computer on the other end of the new office.
  • Vlog #70 – Vandelay Handbook Note – On top of the roof of the same office as the last vlog, look for it on a bench towards the right side.
  • Vlog #71 – Roquefort Meeting Prep – As you reach finance after walking past the statue arm, the vlog will be towards the left, right next to the small door.

SPECTRA Hub Room Vlog Collectibles

  • Vlog #72 – My Super Secret Plan – Within the outside batch of computers, the vlog is on the left computer.
  • Vlog #73 – Potential Project Musings – Near room 13, in the branch of computers towards the right.
  • Vlog #74 – Out of My Mind – Towards the back right of the room, near the area of the final door and 14.
  • Vlog #75 – Shot in the Eye – At the entrance of the room, in the middle batch group of computers.
  • Vlog #76 – Pre Order Bonuses – Towards the left of the top of the stairs, on a computer towards the left side of the platform.
  • Vlog #77 – Never Ask For Ideas – Top of the stairs, between 15 and 16.

Hi-Fi Rush Guide: All Vlog Collectibles And Their Locations
Source: News Beginning

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