Xbox Files Patent for Personalized In-Game Ads

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We’ve been hearing about platform holders and publishers looking to find new ways to monetize games with live ads for some time now, and it doesn’t seem like those rumblings are going away. A new patent filed by Microsoft (spotted by Gamesual) points to the same.

The patent is question is about a method for “providing personalized content for unintrusive online gaming experience”. As per the filing, the method focuses on “identifying a location within the game environment for overlaying content during the time frame and identifying content for displaying to the user”- which, in other words, means identifying your activities and delivering in-game ads personalized for you that will run concurrently with real-time gameplay.

As previously mentioned, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard about companies eyeing similar practices. Reports earlier in the year that Microsoft was working on an in-game advertising program for free-to-play titles, while it’s been claimed that similar plans are also in the pipeline at Sony.

While patents aren’t necessarily indicative of concrete plans and are often simply cases of companies protecting their ideas and technologies, if something along these lines were to be officially implemented, it would likely be met with skepticism- at best.

Microsoft recently confirmed that it will be pricing first party Xbox Series X/S titles at $70 going forward, while the company has also said that it could also potentially raise prices for hardware and subscriptions at some point– so to see them go after even more aggressive monetization models would probably not go down well with the masses, no matter how hard companies try to convince audiences that in-game ads would somehow be “unintrusive”.

Xbox Files Patent for Personalized In-Game Ads
Source: News Beginning

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