Apex Legends players are not happy with the new Apex Hunter Bloodhound Prestige skin

The return of the Apex Legends Anniversary collection event is finally here, and with it comes some fun challenges and flashy new Legend and weapon skins to flaunt your style on the Apex battlefields. Before the release of the Anniversary event, most players assumed that the reward of 150 Heirloom shards would be returning after collecting all of the new skins. Instead, players will now be rewarded with the Apex Hunter Prestige Bloodhound skin after collecting all of the events skins, and players aren’t too happy about it.

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To get your hands on the new Prestige Bloodhound skin, you will have to open 24 new Anniversary Apex packs, which come to about 160 U.S Dollars. While paying around this much for heirloom tier items is nothing new, players are angry at both the design of the skin and the price for it. Usually, heirloom cosmetics are custom melee weapons that fit the Legends personality, but the new Prestige skins are of the same heirloom rarity and are hardly noticeable in-game.

Players have voiced their issues with the Prestige skin on various platforms, hoping that the trend of Prestige level skins instead of heirloom melee weapons or shards doesn’t continue. Players have also talked about what they would do to make the skin worth it, suggesting things such as special animations or voice lines.

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