New video shows Dying Light 2 still looks impressive on old-gen consoles

PlayStation 5s and Xbox Series X/S are still hard to come by for a lot of players, so most are stuck with outdated consoles like the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Fortunately, many companies are still releasing newer games on the previous generation of hardware. Techland will be releasing Dying Light 2 on the PS5, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.

Techland released a video showing what Dying Light 2 will look like on the PS4, PS4 Pro, and Xbox One. The video is meant to assure fans that the game will still look and run well on the older consoles. The video shows footage from various points of the game but highlights an early parkour scene. The video compares and contrasts the parkour scene with the base PS4 and the base Xbox One.

Based on the footage the game still looks great. The characters and environments don’t have the same detail as they do in more modern consoles, but the models and motion of the game are still impressive.

The Dying Light Twitter claims that the footage used in the video came directly from the consoles. A fan pointed out how the Xbox One footage didn’t show many zombies, suggesting that Techland isn’t confident with how the game will run with multiple enemies. However, the Twitter account assures the fan that won’t be the case. The Xbox One footage did show a lot of humans on screen, which according to the Twitter account has just as many resources on them as zombies.

It’s alright to be skeptical about Techland, and we won’t know for sure how well the game runs on older-gen consoles until we get it in our hands. Dying Light 2 is set to release on February 4 on most consoles and PC.

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