Apex Legends update fixes exploits and skins, as Respawn works on event rewards bug

Apex Legends is always evolving, and as such, new bugs and exploits tend to show up. Respawn Entertainment just pushed an update to fix some issues while it continues to work on the fandom’s biggest current complaint.

As detailed on Twitter, the update fixes a few smaller issues that are nonetheless problematic. “A variety of client and server errors” have been addressed, and custom reticle colors should no longer reset. Players were also having trouble pinging deathboxes or Loba’s Black Market, and there was an exploit that let them hold onto certain consumables while charging weapons. Both of those have been taken care of.

What hasn’t been fixed yet is the game’s ongoing issue with event rewards, which Apex players first noticed earlier this week. Progress for the current Raiders Collection event halts at a certain point, preventing players from unlocking the associated rewards. Legend skins and weapons skins are a big incentive for playing such events, so this is a problem. Respawn tweeted earlier this week that it was working on a fix and it retweeted the same statement when today’s small update went out, reaffirming that it’s working on a solution. Fortunately, “progress is still being tracked,” despite how things might look in the game’s menus. Whenever Respawn fixes the issue, you will receive all the rewards you’ve earned.

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