Grand Theft Auto 5 Shipments Hit 185 Million Units, Red Dead Redemption 2 at 55 Million

Grand Theft Auto 5 - Xbox Series X-S, PS5_06

At this point, no one is surprised about the ridiculous sales numbers Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 have continued to enjoy. As tends to be the case pretty much every quarter, the duo of Rockstar’s massive open world titles continued to see strong sales during Q1 (April-June) of FY 2023/24.

Rockstar’s parent company Take-Two Interactive has revealed in its latest quarterly fiscal report that Grand Theft Auto 5 has now shipped over 185 million units worldwide, while Red Dead Redemption 2 has hit 55 million units. That’s up from 180 million and 53 million as of March 31 respectively, with the former havng sold an additional 5 million units during the previous quarter, and the latter having moved an additional 2 million units.

The total sales of the Red Dead Redemption franchise now stand at over 79 million units worldwide, while Grand Theft Auto’s total series sales have hit a whopping 405 million units. With Grand Theft Auto 6 currently in the works and the original Red Dead Redemption receiving a PS4 and Switch port this month (albeit one that’s on the receiving end of plenty of backlash, thanks in no small part to its price), those numbers are likely to keep on rising for the foreseeable future (and beyond).

Grand Theft Auto 5 Shipments Hit 185 Million Units, Red Dead Redemption 2 at 55 Million
Source: News Beginning

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